Thursday, December 6, 2012

RuPaul's Drag Race’s Exec Producer & a GLAAD Awards Nominated Blogger Both De-friended Me from Facebook for Simply Sending Them This Article: 11 Ways Men Can Be Better Feminist Allies

Last month, days after the transsexual community and allies started a boycott against RuPaul's Drag Race due to RuPaul misgendering and bullying women of transsexual history in a recent episode, I thought I'd let one of the show's executive producers and a GLAAD Award nominated blogger (both of who were 'friends' of mine of Facebook, both who are gay white men and both who have offended many women in my community in the past) what was behind the public outcry against RuPaul's anti-transsexual comments.

I sent them a non-offensive article written by Ozy Franz that I had found online, which is a resource to help men who seem to be clueless as to why why women get fed up with misgendering and sexism.

The same day I tagged both men this much needed advice they each deleted me from Facebook. And that is their right. Yet I'm not sure why they were so upset about the opportunity to actually educate themselves on how they could treat the women in my community better, especially the RuPaul's Drag Race producer, who's company (World of Wonder) and himself have many times participated in projects which exploit and demean the women in my community. Well, either the truth hurts, they didn't want their followers to read up on being better feminists or, like the national LGB media outlets, they wanted to censor the dissent of transsexual community altogether. Whatever the reason, I thought I'd repost the article on my blog so that more people can understand why women of transsexual history are fed up with some gay men thinking they can get away with bullying us.

11 Ways Men Can Be Better Feminist Allies
by Ozy Frantz

Originally posted on:

1) Educate yourself. One summer, in high school, I literally read every book the library had about feminism. You don’t have to go that far, but a familiarity with concepts like male privilege, slut-shaming, and rape culture can give you a lot more understanding of how gender works.

2) Don’t be that asshole. Don’t assume that the women in the room have no idea what they’re talking about regarding gender. (If they clearly don’t, well, see #4.) Don’t expect to be thrown a parade because you’ve decided to vote pro-choice. Don’t forget that most men are not feminists and that many feminists are survivors of rape or abuse, and that you’re not sending out Beacons of Awesomeness that show that everyone has to trust you. Check your privilege.

3) Talk to your male friends. It’s sad but true: For a lot of people, men have more credence when talking about gender issues than women do. If your friend tells a rape joke or says that women just aren’t as good at science as men are, challenge them on it. A lot of times, people can’t think of anything to say in the moment; if that’s you, prepare comebacks in advance so you know exactly what to say when it comes up. Even if you forget in the moment, a simple “that’s not cool, dude” can go a long way.

4) Challenge your female friends. A lot of people say that men shouldn’t tell women when they’re being misogynistic. That’s crap. There are plenty of sexist women in the world and they should not get a free pass. If your friend starts snarking about a fat woman or saying that she’s so much better than all those silly other women that are only concerned about their hair and boys, tell her she’s full of it. Other women will thank you.

5) Consume media made by women. A lot of people listen to music made by men, read books written by men, watch movies directed by and starring men—without even realizing it. That’s stupid! It neglects women’s voices and experiences; besides, think of all the amazing talent you’re missing because of their gender. If you like comics, try Alison Bechdel or Gail Simone; if you like movies, look for Kathryn Bigelow or the late Nora Ephron; if you appreciate music, add some Bikini Kill or Nicki Minaj to your playlists.

6) Practice good consent. The general rule is that all sex should be sex that everyone involved wants. I know you, personally, would never have sex with someone who said no, but good consent goes far beyond that. Talk openly and honestly with your partner(s) about your and their sexual desires. Check in when your partner seems to not be enjoying themselves. Eschew pressure and coercion. And the same applies to you—if you’re being pressured or coerced or not having your consent respected, you are not in a healthy relationship.

7) Believe the survivor. It’s true that occasionally people falsely accuse other people of rape or abuse. This is very rare, however, and time spent figuring out the truth is time not spent supporting the survivor. Also, if there is a rapist or abuser in your social group, don’t take “I don’t do drama” as a reason to keep hanging out with them. Not being invited to parties is not a cruel and unusual punishment, and most rapists are repeat rapists. You can keep them from doing it again.

8) Support women’s bodily autonomy. On a political level, of course, one should fight pro-life initiatives, attempts to de-fund Planned Parenthood, forced sterilization efforts, etc. On a personal level, of course, it’s almost more important. If your partner gets pregnant, it’s up to her whether to have an abortion, give the child up for adoption, or raise the kid. Her body, her rules. If a woman is having sex with hundreds of people, don’t call her a dirty slut; if she’s a virgin until marriage, don’t call her a prude. Her body, her rules. If she weighs more than you think she should, don’t call her fat or tell her to go on a diet; if she weighs less, don’t tell her to eat a sandwich. It’s her body and, ultimately, what makes her comfortable in it is what matters.

9) Be a feminist because you support equal rights. Don’t become a feminist because you want to get a girlfriend or because you heard that feminist chicks are easy. Don’t become a feminist because your girlfriend is a feminist and you want to get in good with her. Don’t, for God’s sake, take women’s studies classes because it’s an easy A. Become a feminist because you believe women are people and you will not be satisfied until they are fully treated as such.

10) Be intentional. Maybe it’s best for your family that your wife sacrifice her career to raise kids. But is it really, or are you just assuming that because it’s the narrative you’re used to? Maybe you’re only attracted to 22-year-old blonde skinny women. But are you really, or have you simply not explored your attraction to other people? It’s OK to do things that look anti-feminist to long as it is honestly what you want, and not just falling into the patriarchal rut because you haven’t thought about the other options.

11) Don’t satisfy yourself with just being a feminist. If you are just a feminist, you’re only advocating for the rights of women—which means that you’re advocating for the rights of straight, white, abled, middle-to-upper-class, privileged women. Everyone else? They suffer from racism, queerphobia, ableism, or classism in addition to sexism. Fighting for those rights means fighting for everyone’s rights.

Ozy Frantz is a student at a well-respected Hippie College in the United States. Zie bases most of zir life decisions on Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman; identifies more closely with Pinkie Pie than is probably necessary; and blogs at No, Seriously, What About Teh Menz?

To the gay male TV and film producers who like to defame the women in my community, and to the gay male dominated 'LGBT' media outlets and 'LGBT' media watch dogs who like to censor our dissent against this defamation:

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Attention "Anti-Bullying" Advocates: Gay Male Public Figures Misgendering Girls & Women Born With A Transsexual Medical Condition Is Also Bullying, So Please Stop!

Definition from :

What Is Bullying?
Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior that is intentional, hurtful, (physical and psychological), and/or threatening and persistent (repeated). There is an imbalance of strength (power and dominance).
The above definition includes the following criteria that will help you determine if a student is being bullied:
  • The mistreatment must be intentional.
  • The mistreatment must be hurtful (physical or psychological).
  • The mistreatment is threatening. The individual fears harms. Fear their safety.
  • The mistreatment must occur more than once. However, some disagree with this. They say one very hurtful event is enough to label it bullying.
  • There must be a power imbalance.
I'm glad they included that bullying can also be psychological. Bullying is not just tripping someone and taking their lunch money, or slamming their head against the locker. Bullying in the form of words can be more harmful than violence, especially words which dehumanize.

Bullying many times comes from those who were bullied themselves.

One interesting fact is that there are some high profile gay men, such as  columnist Dan Savage or drag personality RuPaul, who though they are both quoted as referring to themselves as "anti-bullying advocates", many would argue that both men use their media outlets to bully people who are different than themselves, particularly women, and even more so women born with transsexualism.

Hell, Dan Savage has even successfully promoted his brand to that of  the King of anti-bullying gurus. Yet despite Savage's widespread 'It Gets Better Campaign' he has been exposed more times than one, or one hundred really, of bullying transsexual and transgender people. He's done so by ridiculing and misgendering them, using offensive pejoratives and then ignoring or dismissing their grievances when they express how his transphobia negatively affects them. Further, his claims that bisexuality doesn't exist harms the bisexual community. Savage writing rape apologist sentiments in his column alienates female sexual assault survivors and belittles the epidemic of unjust court trials concerning assault. And so on.

On Monday RuPaul once again said some transsexual-phobic comments on his reality show, but this time he has gone too far. The targets of RuPaul's bullying, girls and women with a transsexual medical history, have organized a boycott meant to counter his misgendering. Learn more about MAGNET's boycott in our write up:

I don't think Dan Savage or RuPaul are bad men, but they are men, and they have no right pretending to be experts on the young girls and women in our community, or to mock and make sexist and transsexual-phobic comments about us.  Whatever these grown men's unresolved personal issues are, they shouldn't use the women in our community as a punching bag to deal with those issues, they should seek professional help if that's what they need.

If they want enlightened people to take their "anti-bullying" initiatives seriously they would do well to stop behaving like bullies them damn selves.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

What Intersex Awareness Week Means To Me: Stop Mutilating Our Narrative

What Intersex Awareness Week Means To Me
Intersex Awareness Week means choice. The choice for human beings to make decisions on their bodies that intersex-phobic parents and unethical doctors should not be making for them
Intersex Awareness Week means education. Diversity in biology is natural and doctors should educate parents on their options instead of caving into post-birth fears by performing surgeries without the intersex person’s consent

Intersex Awareness Week is about accuracy. Stop lumping intersex people into the concocted “transgender umbrella” ideology reservation against many of our wills, and against the science. This confuses the public on what intersex actually is and silences intersex specific voices. It’s irresponsible for so-called “allies” and non-profits to promote unfounded theories and sloppy mis-education as fact.

Intersex Awareness Week is about affirmation. The APA is one of the most phobic organizations ever. The APA is guilty of stigmatizing and alienating intersex people, and it needs to stop. I’m not down with their new “DSD” label, nor is the majority if the international intersex communities.

Intersex Awareness Week is about listening. When intersex people tell Gay, Inc. and it’s Transgender Um-Scam-Brella Subsidiary “we are not the same label stamp as transvestites and gay male drag performers”, instead of LGBTransgender (NOT ‘I’) non-profits and  TG cyber-blog-bullies assaulting us for simply wanting to be represented accurately, why not demonstrate some compassion instead of their brute-like, over-controlling and ill-political tactics meant to censor and vilify dissent?

Intersex Awareness Week is about reform. GLAAD needs to stop miseducating the media that intersex is in their intellectually and scientifically dishonest “transgender umbrella whether you want to be here or not” media [mis]guide section. It doesn’t belong there. Sorry GLAAD doesn’t feel intersex people are significant enough to have their own section. And while they are at it, they can revise their section on transsexualism as well. Some people born with transsexualism also have one of the over fifty variations of intersex. Transsexualism is medical condition, not a hobby, fetish, stage act or gender rebellion. MISGENDERING = BULLYING

Intersex Awareness Week means healthcare rights. All human being should be protected, but intersex infants, children and even adults many times are not. People want others so desperately to fit into a box so they can feel okay with their narrow ideas that they will literally force intersex people into a mold, which many times leads to depression and suicide. Intersex people should not have to deal with other people's closed-minded issues directed at their own bodies. Intersex Awareness Week should be every week of the year until the intersex-phobia stops.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

UNITY NEWS: NLGJA's Own Title Is Exclusionary, Yet NLGJA Leaders Labeled 'UNITY Journalists of Color's' Name Exclusionary?

The following article was published on Saturday, August 5th in The UNITY News website, and was written by a UNITYstudent journalist:

NLGJA to weigh name change



UNITY, previously referred to as a coalition for journalists of color, shed that title this year to include the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association.

During the opening ceremonies two presenters made a concerted effort to welcome gays and lesbians. This made Ashley Love, who was born intersex and transsexual, feel left out.

“NLGJA pressured UNITY’s board to change its name, arguing it was exclusionary and non-reflective, so shouldn’t NLGJA practice the same inclusion by adding the ‘B’ and ‘T’?” Love said.

Sexual orientation is not equivalent to gender identity or a transexual medical condition, she said during Thursday’s NLGJA membership meeting. Omitting bisexuals and transexuals [and transgender people] from the title glosses over the differences in [the] LGBT [coalition], silences voices and confuses people, including journalists, she added.

At Thursday’s NLGJA member meeting, six people spoke out in support of Love’s request and none of the about 30 people there voiced opposition.

“The issue has never been on the agenda,” NLGJA President David Steinberg told UNITY News. “It has been a topic people have raised in the last year.”

The board will discuss the issue and figure out a change that makes sense, he said.

Love said this change needs to happen soon.

“We are done waiting,” she said.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Breaking News: After Years Of Competing For The Coveted “Most Transphobic Rag Award”, U.K.’s ‘Daily Mail’ Beats ‘The New York Post’ Due to its Lana Wachowski Coverage; ‘Post’ CEO Demands Vote Tampering Investigation*

Last Saturday, July 28th, U.K.’s ‘Daily Mail’ paper published an article about Hollywood director (The Matrix triology) Lana Wachowski’s first public appearance as her true self. Wachowski was born with transsexualism and has been undergoing hormonal and medical treatment to better align her external to match her internal. The “journalist” of the article, who chose to write anonymously, used improper pronouns numerous times, which violates journalism codes of ethics, and even violates U.K’s Gender Recognition Act.

TAAD, or Transsexual Alliance Against Defamation, released a statement asking Daily Mail (DM) to retract their offensive and inaccurate usage of male pronouns, as Lana is a woman who should be affirmed and respected as such. DM declined to edit their online version of the posting, and sent a reply back to TAAD with DM's Assitant Editor Yuc Kee writing,

“We find that the more sensational and offensive our articles are, the more hits and ad revenue they garner, as well as raises the entertainment value of our content to cater to our more close-minded and transphobic readers. Sorry that transsexual women are offended that we misgendered Lana, but your feelings are not our concern. As for your request for human decency, good luck with that”.

Interestingly enough, DM's story was published just three days before I. H. A.T.E., or International Haven Advocating Transphobia & Exploitation, announced the winner of their five-year long competition named the ‘Most Transphobic Rag Award’. On July 31st they awarded ‘Daily Mail’ with the sought after title. The two leading contestants had been both ‘Daily Mail’ and U.S.A.’s ‘The New York Post’ (NYP), with media analysts previously estimating that NYP would win by 10-15 votes. Yet DM’s recent Lana Wachowski story pushed them passed the finish line in the nick of time, winning by a mere five votes in a judging jury of one hundred people.

The same day just hours after the winner was announced, NYP released a statement questioning the legitimacy of the voting process, with charges of biased judges and vote tampering. NYP attorneys demanded an investigation by I.H.A.T.E., which they denied. I.H.A.T.E. president, Helia Jeffries (former spokesperson for ‘RadFems Against Healthcare Rights and Freedom of Choice’, gave a statement,

Grade A Transphobia is Grade A Transphobia. The Daily Mail has proven they have what it takes to ridicule and marginalize those types of people in a way that far exceeds industry standards, making them our top choice for the 'Most Transphobic Rag Award’ honor. While The New York Post leads the way in the states for unchecked transphobia, sexism and defamation, they are clearly only in second place internationally. Thanks to the many publications who participated in this competition, and we look forward to five years from now when will be holding this competition again. Fear is meant to spread, so start typing away!”

The next day NYP filed a lawsuit with the Global Office of Propaganda Pushing (GOP) with claims that I.H.A.T.E. was biased in their results, as Jeffries, its president, resides in London, home to ‘DM', and used to be on a mud slinging team with Daily Mail's CEO, Bob Leeds.

Leeds responded, “This is just ridiculous. Yes, Helia and I used to play in the Mud Fighting League together, but that was years ago and has no bearing on our rag's triumph. My writer’s have exceptional transphobic talents and won fair and square. And our editor-in-chief, Hugh Thatcher, has gone above and beyond to make this acknowledgment happen. When one of his staff writers portrayed those tra**ys in a humanizing light, he would personally edit it moments before publication, changing a pronoun here, sensationalizing an experience there, or adding the right amount of fear mongering at the very end. Those Yankees need to stop being sore losers and admit defeat. While they’re busy pouting, my employees are already getting started for the 2017 games. Let the most shameless transphobe win!”

New York Post Editor-in-Cheif Fred Smith fired back the same day during an interview on Faux News saying,

Damnit, just damnit! My staff worked mighty hard to misgender and dehumanize women born with transsexualism, it’s a shame that Daily Mail snatched the ‘Most Transphobic Rag Award’ when we clearly encouraged more ignorance and mockery of people’s lives then they did. Mark my words, we will win next time, you can be sure of it!”

The investigation on whether the competition results were accurate continues, though the overturning of DM’s victory seems unlikely, as Jeffries says the expertise of the jury panel was superior, which included pseudo-shrinks Blanchard and Bailey, healthcare-exterminator Janice Raymond and other leading transphobes.

A later addition to the jury was American gay activist Dan Ravage, who has been ‘glitter bombed’ repetitively for his notorious transphobic, sexist, bi-phobic and classist remarks, as well as spreading rape-apologist propaganda in his sex column. After activists protested his use of the slurs ‘she-male’ and ‘tra**y’ during his speech at I.H.A.T.E.’s annual gala, which was the same night the ‘Most Transphobic Rag Award’ winner was announced, Ravage replied,

 “Silly tra**ys, stop playing the oppression Olympics. I’m a white gay man, so it’s socially acceptable for me to say sexist and transphobic comments because most people are too clueless to see my ‘Animal Farm’ antics. Besides, if GL-NT-AAD can say that transsexual women are the same label [transgender] as male cross dressers and male transvestites, why can’t The Daily Mail also use male pronouns on female transsexuals?”

GL-NT-AAD's, or Gay & Lesbian -Not Transsexual- Alliance Against Defamation's, staff was asked to comment the next day on Dan Ravage’s statement, as well as comment on TAAD pointing out GL-NT-AAD’s practice of blurring the distinction between the transsexual medical condition and the many forms of gender bending and sexual fetishism. Instead of replying, they paid two transsexual women to make a joint statement in their defense. One was a transsexual reality star named Ima Prince. The other was named Equala Tee Mimick, who’s a transsexual tabloid writer who GL-NT-AAD is blatantly producing to be their shield to defend their gay and lesbian staff members whenever the transsexual community calls them out on misrepresentation. These two women released a joint statement on GL-NT-AAD’s website:

“GL-NT-AAD has done wonders for our careers and personal financial security, so in return we feel retained to defend their problematic media guide and poor messaging concerning transsexualism. When GL-NT-AAD stops promoting our self-serving interests and aspiring celebrity, then we may find the integrity to join our sisters in their quest for GL-NT-AAD to reform their media guide. But until then we will continue to head the Token Trans Tom committee. Besides, those uppity transsexual women should be grateful for the crumbs Gay, Inc. gives them. Seriously, like who do they think they are, women or something? As if! No, they are third genders, fetishists and impersonators. They should just shut up and accept that misgendering narrative, we know we have”.

Transsexual activists were unsatisfied with GL-NT-AAD’s trans* spoke model’s comments betraying their own community for personal gain, and re-asked GL-NT-AAD’s actual paid staff for a real dialog in a formal setting, which GL-NT-AAD declined because “colonies should know better than to question their masters”. TAAD then reached higher up to GL-NT-AAD’s Board of Directors, who were also unable to be reached for additional comment regarding their misgendeirng and misrepresentation of women with transsexualism, choosing instead to promote a socially engineered “transgender umbrella” ideology, which is a constructed reservation where they marginalize all those who don’t fit into the norm. This intellectually dishonest framework creates conflicts and censors dissent, though the mainstream media will never know it since they are beholden to GL-NT-AAD’s last word on the matter. TAAD persisteded, asking GL-NT-AAD for the right for minorities to represent themselves, instead of the majority dominating their lives, but GL-NT-AAD replied saying they would prefer to be the ones to control transsexual women, regardless if their patient rights and well-being are being violated as a result. "Misgendering is not a concern to us", they said.

Yesterday TAAD filed a complaint with the Non-profit Department of Accountability and Ethics saying that GL-NT-AAD is censoring, misrepresenting and co-opting minorities. TAAD is awaiting a ruling.

Transsexual activists continue to protest ‘The Most Transphobic Rag Award’ contestants, as well as I.H.A.T.E.’s hate speech.

(* This was obviously a parody, infused with actual current events and ongoing practices, meant to draw attention to real issues such as transphobia, conflation and unethical jouurnalism/media guides)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Rose Is *Still* A Rose - Period

A ROSE is *still* a ROSE!

[Not a sub-rose, not a modified rose, not a rose impersonator, not a 2nd class rose, not only a rose on the weekends, not a rose mocker, not acting on some rose fetish, not a plastic rose, not simply "expressing" a few rose characteristics, not condescendingly "identifying" as a rose -- but from the seed, rooted as and blossomed into its natural destiny: A ROSE - inside, and out, from it's origin, always and forever, a rose, period. Please, PLEASE keep your weeds, fake chemicals and pollutants out of the garden, or don't act clueless or attack when the rose uses her protective thorns to shield herself from entities or non-roses who would do her harm,  thank you]

Monday, June 4, 2012

Don't Means Don't: The Ten Don'ts of Don't

Don't Means Don't:
The Ten Don'ts of Don't

Don’t hate me because I’m feminine.

Don’t fear me because I am aligned with the gender binary

Don’t judge or resent me because I am perceived by the world as a woman, period

Don’t censor me because I am a heterosexual woman of transsexual and intersex experience

Don’t bully me because you won’t have a gentle and rational debate

Don’t misgender me to cater to your social engineering and gender deconstructionism agenda

Don’t cast me into a 3rd gender narrative because you may identify in the ‘gender queer’ culture

Don’t desex me because you have internalized and unchecked transsexual-phobia which you act upon

Don’t sinisterly put words in my mouth because my truth unedited is valid and exposes your concoted falsehoods and unjust politics

Don’t, just PLEASE Don't miss the opportunity to discover what a true ally could be (which does not mean colonialist). Allies are better than frenemies

Philadelphia Trans* Health Conference 2012 Was Quite Interesting This Year

Friday, May 25, 2012

Call To Action: Racial Justice Groups Should Denounce The ‘Not Guilty’ Ruling of African American Woman Victoria White’s Murderer

Call To Action: Racial Justice Groups Should Denounce The ‘Not Guilty’ Ruling of African American Woman Victoria White’s Murderer

Trayvon Martin. Those two words got your attention.

But what about Victoria White? She was also a black youth murdered. Her case was also deprioritized because she was an ethnic minority. Why do people not rally for Justice For Victoria White like they would any other black slain youth?

It’s because she has a medical condition where she was born different.

She was born with transsexualism.

So she apparently is not worthy of defense. Her grieving family is not worthy of condolences and support. Her case is not worthy of justice.

Ignorance. Fear. And then Violence. It’s an ongoing cycle.

Those who care about her life ask people to cast aside their uncomfortable feelings of people born different than themselves and just do what is right, especially those who work with racial justice organizations. Where in your bylaws does it say if a woman of color has a birth challenge that means she is disqualified from being a human being whose life mattered, and whose aide you could not support?

Today one of Victoria White's assailants was ruled "not guilty". White's family is "very disapointed with the verdict", as are many people in the transsexual, transgender and intersex communities. Yet where is the outrage from racial justice organizations?

We ask these social and racial justice groups to stand up for this woman’s worth. Too many times women in our communities are victims of hate crimes. Too many times our sisters are discriminated against, and even assaulted by law enforcement. Too many times the women of color in our community are abandoned in the court rooms by unjust juries misled by bigoted judges.

But what hurts the most is when racial justice groups leave us out in the cold. Of course I am personally appreciative to for their great racial justice advocacy work. These same groups have had transsexual, transgender and intersex advocates collaborate with them, such as with the current Justice For Trayvon Martin movement. Yet even though some of us said yes to their requests to speak at racial justice [Trayvon Martin] rallies, do outreach and volunteer, when we picked up the phone months later to ask them to support the cause of a woman, Victoria White, whose life is being deemed valueless by society and the courts due to her race and birth challenge, they do not give us the same response we would have given them.

Black and Latina women, who happened to have born different, such as being born with transsexalism and/or intersex, are outcasted and left to fend for themselves by the very people who are sworn to serve and protect the people, and even from groups who champion essential human rights and protections for oppressed ethnic minorities. I’m not implying certain mainstream or local racial justice groups are transphobic , that would be too presumptuous of a statement. But I do hope whatever their reason is they could check it so we can focus on something that matters urgently right now: Justice For Victoria White! Justice For CeCe McDonald! Justice For Women born with transsexualism that are being misrepresented, marginalized, de-sexed, misgendered, bullied and segregated into a '3rd gender box' by fraudulent and transsexual-phobic organizations and disinformation campaigns! Justice within every racial justice group towards all members of the black and brown communities, even those born transsexual, transgender or intersex!

Please join in ensuring there is Justice for Victoria White, CeCe McDonald and all transsexual women of color in the country (especially in DC, Puerto Rico and New York it seems) who are repetitively assaulted not just by men, but by media outlets and in court rooms as well.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Attending Ms. Foundation for Women’s Awards Last Night Affirmed The ‘Transsexual, Not Transgender’ Movement Is A Just Feminist Cause: We Don’t Want Men Controlling Our Lives.

With trail blazing human rights/feminist icon Gloria Steinem last night at The Gloria Awards: A Salute To Women Of Vision in New York City.

I finally got to meet Gloria Steinem at Ms. Foundation for Women's Awards last night! It was empowering being in a room full of women all dedicated to similar purpose. Some of my associates who weren’t born with transsexualism don't understand the whole 'Transsexual, not Transgender' conflict. Yet last night everyone I talked to understood why women born with transsexualism don't want men, male transvestites/cross dressers or transsexual-phobic LGB"T" agenda dictators taking ownership of our narrative.

 It’s pretty simple. We are no different than other feminist women in that regard: We won’t tolerate men trying to control our lives.

Transgenderism” Umbrella Ideology does not, never has or never will accurately include women born with transsexualism and/or intersex. We are not "third gender, impersonators, fetishists, or gender queer". We have legal and medical needs that get compromised by those who unethically appropriate our medical condition to push forward their anti-gender agenda. Sex is not the same thing as “gender”.

Dear Gay Inc and its Transgender Subsidiary: We will absolutely NOT “check a 3rd box”. We don't want to rebel against the gender binary, because that would be fighting against ourselves.

Forced inclusion is not “unity”, it’s actually called tyranny, colonialism, and in this case, fraud, malpractice and invalidation of transsexualism.

The feminist fight continues, and though fraudulent “academia” pundits/authors, homosexual non-profits and transgenderist opinionists/opportunists try every trick in the whitewashed book to misrepresent transsexualism, and censor and vilify those who stand up for truth, women will no doubt rise up and ensure that a light shines on accurate and affirming education about our birth challenge .

We are women, not sub-woman, not third class women, not “transgender”.

We are women, PERIOD- hear us roar!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Funny How Transgenderist Umbrella-ism Opinionists Call Transsexualism Advocates "Separatists", When It's TG Inc That Wants To "Check A 3rd Box"? Now *That's* Separatism, & Segregation, Which We'll Never Consent To

We are not all part of a contrived socio-political reservation stemmed from transgenderist ideology.

We are not legally, socially or definitely not genetically bound to abandon the medical and patient rights, science or affirming and understanding doctors who support our transsexual medical condition’s accurate narrative just because a group of individuals say so.

We will never tolerate segregation, and the law is on our side on that one. The segregationists/gender queer and cross dressing activists need not to co-opt us anymore, it's unethical and a violation of our rights for them to demand that we misgender ourselves into a third gender "anti-binary" rebellion. We simply are aligned with the binary, like a large percentage of the world.

Why would we pretend to be something we are not, or allow our medical condition to be fraudulently politicized for only the benefit of an outsider's conflicting agenda?

The ironic thing is that transgender theory opinionists are clever to call us "separatists", when the true, and even legal definition of the word ‘separatists’ is themselves, for they are the ones who are so militantly driving an ‘anti-gender binary flag’ in the ground and removing themselves from the gender binary, thus, separating themselves. If that’s their prerogative, we wish them well, but where the heck do they get off thinking it’s ethical, or even legal to enroll us in that gender-deconstructionism culture club as well?  Especially since that club mocks, misrepresents and misgenders our reality?!

 Uh- no thank you, sir.

When a woman says "no", she means "NO"! And when a male or "anti-gender binary agenda" continues to absorb her into his agenda without her consent, well, we all know what that is called: Assault

We are free to just live our lives as women and men, and reject other's invitation to serve as numbers in "checking a third box", which, factually, does not, never has or never will include us. We are women and men, period.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Transsexual Spring: The Tide's Shifting This Season As The Transsexual Uprising Gains Major Ground In Affirming, Accurate Education & Medical Rights

Currently The Transsexual Uprising for liberation from the anti-gender binary and anti-medical narrative reservation known as the “transgender umbrella”, which is really a concocted socio-political invention that literally impedes and erodes the rights and public understanding of those born with transsexualism, is making numerous and major advancements this Spring.

And what a beautiful and promising Spring it is! Spring into Action! The Transsexual Spring! Flowers are blooming in such abundance that they can’t be held down, and there’s nothing the honey stealing wasps and bee *colony* workers can do about it, though they are trying
Malcom Gladwell’s popular book ‘The Tipping Point’ (that I and every publicist and marketing professional have on our bedroom dresser), is about: [From Wikipedia] "the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point."[1] The book seeks to explain and describe the "mysterious" sociological changes that mark everyday life.”

The re-liberation of the accurate representation of transsexualism has come into its own “Tipping Point”, which means, though there is still a lot of work to do, we have officially pierced through the 'prison cell' that seeks to hold us captive in a gender deconstructionism narrative against our will. Only a few ‘bricks’ have been removed from the captor's wall, yet that was the hardest part, the remaining bricks will be tumbling down soon enough.

And no, ghost of Virginia Prince, we don’t need yours are any other misogynistic transvestite or transgenderist/gender queer activist’s permission to preserve and inform about the accurate transsexual medical condition narrative. We are not your property, man. Yeah, we get it, apparently since Freud and other sexist white male shrinks are “experts” on women, you think that means sexist white male transvestite fetishists are entitled to colonize women born with transsexualism into some “transgender” scam-brella without our consent. If anti-transsexual ‘Virginia Prince’ cult followers haven’t noticed, 2012 is the year of the Divine Feminine, and women with transsexualism have had enough of being appropriated, spiritually assaulted, psychologically abused and misrepresented.  Let us go gently, or don’t act surprised when we have no choice but to defend ourselves, yet with an aftermath you may dislike.

Let’s examine some blessings the Transsexual Uprising has come into this Spring:

The important ruling last month by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) says it’s “sex discrimination” via the 14th Amendment to discriminate against those who transition sex, and clearly states that our condition is *medical*. It’s not about “dress up, fetishes, costume balls, drag stage acts” or other transgenderist activities, hobbies or lifestyles.

Today I was online and noticed The Montreal Gazette in Canada published two pieces discussing the "transsexual, not transgender" conflict. The author agreed that's its problematic and misgendering to call transsexual people "transgender" by grouping transsexuals with drag queens, cross dressers, transvestites, gender queers and other "transgender" identities.

Last month ‘The Hunger Games’ star, Josh Hutcherson, supported MAGNET’s education rally during The GLAAD Awards when he defied GLAAD’s anti-transsexual protocol. In an interview with E! News about GLAAD, he joined our cause by disregarding GLAAD’s media guide and sound bite training. He (gasp!) said the word “transsexual”, instead of transgender! I can’t tell you how happy that made the young girls and teenagers that I mentor and play big sister to (all with a transsexual medical history), as well as us grownups that are fed up with GLAAD misrepresenting us. You see, it hurts these young girl’s self-identity and feelings when GLAAD insensitively (and inaccurately) says that these girls are the same thing and label as a cross dresser, clown or fetishist. Wouldn’t any girl or woman be offended by being called a 'man wearing a dress' just for "fun or kink"? It diminishes their womanhood and self esteem, and is a condescending slap in their face. For these children to hear bigots at school call them names and mock their gender is bad enough, but for "education" non-profits and fraudulant media guides to imply the exact same messaging that they are not "real" girls and women is devastating.

GLAAD needs to stop their disinformation campaign because it's harmfully impacting children born with our birth challenge. Um, aren’t they supposed to be about anti-bullying……?

I read an article today written by a transgender guy on “Queering The Closet” who made the distinction between transsexual and transgender.

I was talking to a mentor and dear friend yesterday who is an elder in the transsexual and intersex communities. She has resisted the attempted erasure of the TS narrative by TG Theory since the mid-90's, when this social engineering started. I learned from her that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) is getting ready to release their DSM 5 Revision that clearly draws a line between male transvestite fetishists and women of transsexual history, much to the disappointment of those who would co-opt us to push their separate and conflicting agenda.

Last week I was reading a favorite blog of mine, Enough Nonsense, which often discusses the fact that transsexualism is being appropriated and misrepresented by the transgender and cross dresser communities, as well as by Gay Inc. The site reported that last month a Minnesota judge affirmed the transsexual narrative in a ruling where he deemed a woman who had undergone SRS as legally “female sex”. Of course, the gay and transgender “news sources” and blogs remained silent on this victory, perhaps because it supported the transsexual MEDICAL CONDITION narrative, not the transgender ideology propaganda. We are not “third gender”, when will they get that?

Andrea Rosenfield, a writer of transsexualism issues, commented about the Minnesota case in the comment section of the Enough Nonsense site:

As a silver lining, the ruling happens to provide a “finding of fact” that the LGB/TG’s ongoing “It Means Gay!” disinformation/propaganda campaign does real, tangible damage. If something had happened during that interim period before the case resolved, someone could have died. The LGB/TG can’t deny this now, it’s in the record, and it can be used in future cases. (Hint, hint.) That’s probably why the Usual Suspects didn’t want to draw attention to it, and why it’s important that you do.

More importantly, you’re quite likely looking at the end of the “specific exclusion” era. As soon as the insurance companies got the government to force everyone to buy their private insurance, they brought themselves under the 14th and related Federal statutes. That’s what the references to the national health insurance act were about. While noting that it was outside the scope of the case at hand, the judge clearly semaphored that if the insurance company tries to enforce that bizarre and contrived “natural-born” clause they added to try to weasel around covering this woman, they’ll get spanked hard by Title VII. (The Miss Universe thing was ultimately the same issue, and it’s probably why Trump backed down so fast.). - Andrea Rosenfield - April 24, 2012

There are lot more recent developments that have happened this Spring that are supporting The Transsexual Uprising, I will try to include them on my blog later this week, but I think you get the idea: Times are changing!

On the other end, the unfortunate, yet expected, thing about The Transsexual Uprising gaining so much ground means that the attacks and anti-transsexual propaganda we have to endure is getting amped up heavily, but that’s okay, it only means we are doing something right and those who reap the benefits of our enslavement will do everything in their power to keep us 'picking cotton' in their unethical and unjust 'plantation fields' (keep us hostage in their con-brella).

For example, this Spring a few self-promoting and self-aggrandizing "transgender" bloggers, authors and "gender outlaw" entertainers (who actually financially and professionally profit from enforcing transgender socio-politics and umbrella-ism theory) are obsessing over how to stop the inevitable transsexual liberation by creating petty drama, speculating, concocting laughable and ‘out of this world’ history revisionism, taking actions and quotes out of context, presuming to know one’s intentions as if they are telepathic, unrobing and degrading the bodies of women born with transsexualism and behaving like unstable, over compulsive and anti-social personalities, fueled by their amazing male egos and desire to get attention, although it’s negative attention. Their behavior is obviously a backlash to the realization that their fantasy "transgender umbrella reservation" mandate is coming to an end. They are dealing with their ‘bubble being popped’ like most imperialists do when their colonies breaks free: Retaliating with [mental] violence, back tracking, faking evidence and agreements, mispeaking for deceased transsexuals and others, and transparent [and failed] character assassinations against numerous women of transsexual history that are being seriously listened to.

Their over the top cyber bullying is very telling of how they lack genuine facts to back up their opinion based frame work, as well as not having authentic or sincere intentions, just the typical crafty lies most politicians spit when they want to CON-vince the people of something they know dang well is hog wash. If only they could stop behaving like tyrants and discontinue hijacking our medical and patients’ rights to cater to their socio-political and “anti-gender-binary” agenda then we wouldn’t have to be so raw and even harsh in protecting ourselves with the only means we have: The truth!

I know I write a lot of blog entries discussing the problems and challenges we face as women and men born with transsexualism, but today I want to let my readers know that there is a LOT to be hopeful and happy about. Additionally, there are some very powerful developments that have and are currently happening behind the scenes that I can't write about yet, but they are all leading to women and men like us being legally recognized as, go figure: Women and Men! And that means women and men, period- not a 3rd gender status that so many gender queer, transgender, cross dressing activists and their LGB Inc funders seek to drag us into screaming and protesting.
The tide is shifting.

Segregation is (and has been!) ILLEGAL! When Gay Inc and its Transgender Um[Scam]brella Ideology Subsidiary finally grasp that segregation is illegal not just based on race, but sex as well, they will come to understand why women and men of transsexual history will never allow ourselves and our children of transsexual and/or intersex history to be othered in their proposed sub-woman and sub-man narrative plot. I would rather die of thirst than be legally forced to drink from a separate drinking fountain then other women, we are not 2nd class women. Likewise, we will never opt to "check a third box" like the gender queer contingent (who have major influence in the TG agenda) are petitioning to make a reality not just for themselves, but for non-consenting women and men with transsexualism as well!

A well-meaning message to the non-transsexual folks who seek to co-opt us: How about you guys do you, and we will do us. We care about human rights for ALL, but if you continue to misrepresent and invalidate transsexualism in an effort to promote your anti-gender binary goals we will defend ourselves by any legal means necessary, and it may not be the outcome you want. We are not your property. Stop treating us like it.

This crazy-making, dishonest and socially engineered “transgender umbrella” that was sneaked into existence does not, never has and never will accurately include women and men born with transsexualism. Our enforced inclusion in this failed experiment is nearing its long awaited finale. So please, let the curtain close gracefully, and stop misgendering and bullying us in retaliation for us rejecting your invitation to participate in this miseducation and harming of our lives.

When a woman says "no", she means "NO"! And when a male or "anti-gender binary agenda" continues to absorb her into his agenda without her consent, well, we all know what that is called: Assault

Spring into Action! The tide of The Transsexual Uprising is shifting! Yes we can! Yes we ARE!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cinco de Mayo Reminder: We Never "Crossed The Borders", The Borders Crossed Us! Stop Anti-Mexican Sentiment in Arizona & Around The Country! Viva La Revolution!

Before we "crossed the border", the border crossed us!
My mother is Mexican American, our ancestors were here before any white, black or yellow people. So on this Cinco de Mayo, please remember real history.
Protest Arizona's anti-Mexican laws. Stand for laws that treat un-documented workers as human beings. Be aware that the main reason people in Mexico are coming over here to work is because they have no choice, or their families will starve. This is because of the unjust relationship between the US government and the rich tyrants in Mexico that have created agreements that only benefit the corporations and elite, and make the poor even more destitute. Stop blaming your problems on undocumented workers and direct the blame where it truly belongs: The 1%.
Sending Cinco de Mayo hugs to all shades of brown and allies today! Viva la Revolution!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Saddened That CeCe McDonald Takes Plea Deal For Defending Herself; Enraged That Racial Justice & "LGB.T." Groups Devalued Case

Words can't express how upset I am with how CeCe McDonald is being manipulated to plead guilty when she was the real victim.

However, words *can* express how I feel that many racial justice groups, like the NAACP & SPLC, and national "LGB.T." groups have remained silent or didn't put their full weight behind this injustice -- those words are: Rage, Betrayal, Transphobia, Hypocrisy, Classism... and a few more...

If CeCe was a black non-transsexual boy, like Trayvon Martin, would the NAACP have taken real action?

If CeCe was a blue eyed, blond haired gay male like Matthew Shepard, would the HRC or NGLTF have pulled all their resources to stand up for her?

Yet of course I'm most angered at the bigoted people who started this whole situation for taunting and physically threatening CeCe when she was just trying to eat in peace, and the condescending judge who has excused their actions and has been unfair to CeCe the whole trial.

My heart goes out to CeCe, justice is crying rivers of tears today.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

GLAAD's BAAD Misrepresentation of Transsexualism Makes Us SAAD & MAAD! Our Condition Is From Birth, Not A FAAD!

GLAAD's BAAD Misrepresentation of Transsexualism Makes Us SAAD & MAAD! Our Condition Is From Birth, Not A FAAD! by Ashley Love

GLAAD, please stop misgendeing, othering and invalidating women with transsexualism

There’s a problematic media guide about transsexualism concocted by GLAAD

But their guide misrepresents, misgenders and mocks us, all which is BAAD

We were actually born with this medical condition; it’s not a hobby or FAAD

How they imply it’s a choice, hobby, fetish or lifestyle makes us so MAAD!

We want to be understood, but GLAAD’s mega-miseducation makes us so SAAD

It stems from transsexual-phobia, misogyny & sexism from patriarchal DAAD

I’ve always known I was a woman, but gender queer ideology says I’m a LAAD

They teach Trans 101-Negative, but they should cater to authentic GRAADS

Ending this colonialism & affirming who we truly are would totally be RAAD!

Change from GLAAD’S Graddick, NGLTF’s Carey, NCTE’s Keisling or HRC’s CHAAD?

Time will tell. Until then we call out Gay Inc., it’s TG Umbrella Subsidiary & GLAAD!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

'Hunger Games' Star, Josh Hutcherson, Supports Transsexual Education Rally In Defying GLAAD's Erasure Of Saying The Word 'Transsexual'

GLAAD's 2012 Media Awards winner, Josh Hutcherson , star of 'The Hunger Games', joins MAGNET supporters and defies GLAAD's rule "only say transgender, never say transsexual" at GLAAD's very own awards in which he was being honored!

“My mom has always been a big advocate, especially in the gay, lesbian, transsexual and bisexual community, so for me it’s always been a part of my soul,” Josh Hutcherson told Eonline.

This is very telling of the recent trend of the younger generations being more aware of stories and images of people born with the medical condition transsexualism who transition just to live their lives as the women and men they know they are. Therefore, the result is less transsexual-phobia with these younger generations. They don't see us as "third gender, cross dressers, drag queens" or any other "transgender" expression or lifestyle. They see us as just women and men. In short, they understand and support the transsexual narrative, not this othering and misgendering "one size fits all" transgender ideology.

We are thrilled that GLAAD has not entirely succeeded in censoring out the word transsexual from society, especially outside and inside their very own GLAAD Awards.

We are not "transgender". Our condition is not a lifestyle, drag show or fetish. We were born with chromosomal and anatomy diversity, and our affirming doctors aide us in aligning our bodies with our mind. We are born with transsexualism, and some of us are intersex as well. It's  time GLAAD stopped brushing us into some "transgender" reservation. We will not be colonized into a gender deconstructionism agenda against our will. That's a violation of our patient rights, as well as constitutional rights. We are women and men, and will not be segregated from other women and men into some third gender narrative just because of our birth challenge.  Segregation is illegal. All we ask is that GLAAD represent us accurately.

Congrats Josh, thanks for supporting the cause!
For information on MAGNET's education rally which was held at The GLAAD Awards this Saturday evening: 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I Am A Woman. Period.

I am a woman.
not a sub-woman.
not a third gender.
not transgender umbrella propaganda.
I am a woman.
from the begining.
not a hobby, not a lifestyle,
not a choice.
I am a woman.
not just on the weekends,
not for drag work,
not for Halloween.
I am a woman.
in my mind, heart and soul.
not just in clothes.
not just on the outside.
not for kicks.
I am woman.
I am a rose.
I am light.
I am she.
I am all woman

 Yes, Aretha, a rose is still a rose, not a sub-rose, "identifying" as a rose, a weekend rose, rose impersonator, but just a rose, period.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

EEOC's Ruling Is A Major Step Forward In Protecting & Affirming Americans Born With The Transsexual Medical Condition

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's (EEOC) ruling on April 20th clearly states that discriminating against someone who was born in the wrong body and transitions sex is considered sex discrimination as per Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Many people with transsexualism and allies have known this for decades, but some in the gender queer contingent have tried to get “transgender umbrella” rights covered under sexual orientation or “gender expression” categories, which is inaccurate and misgendering when it comes to people with transsexualism.

Though this is just an opinion ruling, it could have major impact on men and women being recognized legally as men and women under the federal law, and not as a third gender status that so many gender deconstructionism and transgenderism theory activists would seek to enroll non-consenting transsexuals into.

Many in the transgender political world weren’t too happy last December when U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit refused to edit out the word “transsexualfrom their ruling in favor of only transgender ideology, which enforces the erasure of transsexualism from education.

The 11th Circuit wrote, ''We conclude that a government agent violates the Equal Protection Clause's prohibition of sex-based discrimination when he or she fires a transgender or transsexual employee because of his or her gender non-conformity.''

Many transsexual advocates, doctors, lawyers and even scientists had contacted the U.S. Court of Appeals educating why it would be problematic and sexist to censor out the word transsexual just because national and state LGBT and Transgender groups misinform that it’s acceptable. It’s actually unacceptable. We are happy the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit agreed with us.

Moving forward, it will be important for there to be accurate and affirming education in place that clearly states that this law will not give transvestites or cross dressers the right to co-opt the meaning of this law. Men will not be able to use the women’s restrooms just because they are a transvestite and have a wig on. Now is the time to highlight and refute the crazy-making and dishonest groupings of women and men with transsexualism with people that are just dressing up for entertainment, fetishes or who seek to take advantage or appropriate the legal and medical rights of people with transsexualism.

Now more than ever we have to step forward and repeal laws that could misgender and marginalize us due to the social engineered and  anti-transsexual narrative campaign that many gender deconstructionism activits are pushing.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Educating From Within And Outside The GLAAD Awards

MAGNET had a productive educational outreach this weekend outside & inside the GLAAD Awards. A longtime trans advocate came by where I was outreaching and offered me her extra ticket and the opportunity to educate inside the event. Since the layout of the event prohibited us from being able to pass out as many flyers as we needed, a couple volunteers remained outside and a couple of us went inside and passed out our information flyers and had conversations with organizations and media professionals who directly propagate the erasure of the transsexual medical condition narrative in favor of only transgender umbrella-ism ideology. We even talked to GLAAD staff, many of whom seemed to understand the need for reform. I was very optimistic at the end of the evening because there was a lot of commitment from attendees to examine the particular and different realities and needs of people born with transsexualism that get compromised in gender decontructionism socio-politics. I hope the incoming director of GLAAD realizes that it's time to evolve the conversation. We are women and men, not pretending or identifying as one for a hobby, a drag stage act or fetish. We’re not down with being othered into a third gender, sub-woman or sub-man narrative. Let's all be respectful of each other.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Transsexual Advocates To Hold Education Rally Outside GLAAD Awards To Counter GLAAD Appropriating Transsexulism

Time to take out the transsexual-phobic miseducation, and renistill the accurate and affirming truth

MAGNET- Media Advocates Giving National Equality to Transsexual & Transgender People- is holding an education rally on April 21st outside GLAAD’s Los Angeles Media Awards to draw attention to GLAAD’s ongoing campaign to blur the lines between transsexualism, gender deconstructionism, lifestyle choices and transvestite fetishism as well as GLAAD’s unethical refusal to address the national dissent of the transsexual community that is being co-opted into GLAAD’stransgender umbrella ideology” agenda against their will.

Date/Time: Saturday, April 21st. 4:30pm to 7:30pm
Address: The Westin Bonaventure Hotel- 404 South Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90071 (outside entrance)
Contact: Email Ashley Love, MAGNET organizer-

Ashley Love, an organizer with MAGNET, explains, “Though GLAAD does some good work, primarily for gays and those who support transgender socio-politics, we hold this education rally to inform attendees that the medical condition transsexualism is actually not about third gender politics or homosexuality. Our legitimate birth challenge stems from being born with chromosomal and/or anatomy diversity, and is treated by affirming doctors who aide us is ensuring our body is aligned with our mind. GLAAD has concocted and is militantly pushing an opinion based framework that unravels public understanding, promotes transsexual-phobia and even impedes and erodes our legislative advancements and medical rights. We ask involved parties to take a deeper look at GLAAD’s social engineering that seeks to erase transsexualism from classrooms and public discourse in favor of their gay and gender deconstructionism only politics, and examine the science, data and literature that supports our transsexual medical condition’s accurate narrative. Be aware of the unrest and resistance in the transsexual community against this blatant revisionism and co-opting of our lives by non-transsexual entities that has lasted almost twenty years. This colonialism of transsexualism by gay and transgender ideology groups is irresponsible, psychologically abusive, sexist, and detrimental to the mental and physical health of people born with transsexualism. We’ve had enough."

Dr. Mary Donata, MD, who attended the Philadelphia Trans Health Conference with her teenage daughter last year, wants people to respect her daughter’s reality. She writes:

"I’m a family doctor and the mother of a 17 year old daughter who has a transsexual medical history. It’s imperative that GLAAD understands that my daughter, and other girls and women with similar medical histories, shouldn’t be inaccurately categorized with others not at all like her under the umbrella term "transgender". PLEASE UNDERSTAND: My daughter is a young woman, not impersonating one as a hobby or lifestyle. She’s not gender queer, a cross dresser, a transvestite, a fetishist, or a drag queen. It’s time to reform GLAAD’s problematic media guide concerning transsexualism"

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Now That Trayvon Martin's Murderer Is Jailed, We Should Still Keep Up This Momentum And Demand Justice For ALL People of Color In the U.S.!

with little pal Harmony following the March 26th "Million Hoodie March for Trayvon Martin" in downtown Los Angeles

The Washington Post published this photo of me and other activists on Tuesday from the April 9th march in downtown L.A. which demanded Zimmerman's arrest, which happened the next day

The good people’s prayers and demands have been answered. Moving forward, now that 17-yearold Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman, is finally in custody and being charged with murder, where do the millions who cried out for justice go from here? How can the millions who marched, rallied, signed petitions, made Justice themed artwork, wrote articles & blogs, prayed, called or wrote their elected officials, utilized online social networking, started or joined causes such as Million Hoodie March , Occupy, Justice For Trayvon Martin and many other movements, and cried, chanted and shouted for Zimmerman’s arrest turn this case into something bigger than one man’s arrest?

We all know this is not an isolated incident. What’s the bigger picture? Shouldn’t we reach higher?

Of course it will be a lengthy trial, so we will have a lot of times on our hands. Why not make the most use and productivity of that time?

Take action! Stay involved! Join one of the many groups who helped organize rallies and marches. Join a local social justice group. Register to vote! Volunteer. Invite friends. Let’s turn this tragedy into a powerfully positive force that we use to accomplish our dreams of a just and peaceful society.

In spite of the condemning evidence against Zimmerman, he was initially allowed to go free. Likewise, many crimes by those in power against minorities, women and the poor go unchecked all the time! Could this case be a starting to point to reform the police departments and judicial systems that time and time against fail the Black, Brown and economically oppressed communities in this country? Many Americans know that this case can be bigger than just Trayvon Martin if the We the People make it so. With all the unrest going on in this country and in the world, this is a prime time to storm the gates and demand a real democracy!

This mobilization is about rightness for ALL the Black and Brown youth around the country who have been in the past, currently are and will continue to be victims of corrupt law enforcement and unjust court systems! We are tired of our young Black and Brown brothers being illegally ‘stop & frisked’ without cause or warrants by racist and classist police officers. We are appalled at the neo-slavery that is enforced through the prison industrial complex in the country that unfairly imprisons Black and Brown men for lengthy periods of times, making the corporations who profit off their labor rich. We are disgusted by the GOP’s war on women’s rights and healthcare, which disproportionally affects women of color and the poor. We can’t believe our ears at the racist propaganda that screams at us from far right media outlets and pundits. We cry out against the laws in Arizona that make racial profiling legal, which obviously target at our Brown brothers and sisters and mirror the Jim Crow days. We protest the exploitment, scapegoating and mistreatment of our undocumented Brown brothers and sisters. Sadly, the list goes on of the systematic oppression of people of color in the “modern” country.

It’s urgent that this momentum does not slow down, but become a massive tidal wave that smashes the system that divides people in this country instead of uniting us together.

“An injury to one is an injury to all!”

It’s important that those fighting for racial social justice become aware and fight against the alarming and growing war against women that has been waged by the Republican Party! 50% of people of color are women, so the GOP’s war on women is also a racial justice issue, especially since women of color will suffer the worst if this current assault on women’s healthcare, contraception rights, well-being and self-esteem waged by the affluent white men who run the Republican Party succeeds. All social justice movements really do need to come together ASAP!

Again, take action! Stay involved! Join one of the many groups who helped organize rallies and marches. Start your own! Join a local and/or national social justice group. Register to vote! Volunteer! Invite friends. Paint a picture of what justice means to you! Write a poem, perform spoken word! Get the message out! Let’s turn this tragedy into a powerfully positive force that we harness to accomplish our dreams of a just and peaceful society.

2012 is not the end of the world as the Mayan calendar suggests, it’s the BEGINNING of a new dawn, the people’s dawn! Haven’t you noticed that people all around the world are rising up against tyranny and economic injustice all at the same time? There is also this global human consciousness awakening that many feel happening, a universal enlightenment. So much promise and positive energy is here and awaits us. And of course, right here and NOW is the time to take a stand!

A favorite chant of mine from the Trayvon march:

“Ain’t no power like the power of the people cus’ the power of the people don’t stop! Say what? Ain’t no power like the power of the people cus’ the power of the people don’t stop!”

Justice for Trayvon! Justice for All! Justice for Now! Justice for Our Future!
I met the cutest little trooper for Justice on the steps of L.A. City Hall on March 26th following the Trayvon Martin march