Martin Luther King, Jr. Did Not Believe in Segregation, Nor Do TS/IS Americans
What I’m hearing from many Americans born with a transsexual and/or intersex condition is they too don’t believe in segregation.
Some transgender/3rd gender/gender queer theory troopers try to enforce TS/IS women to be segregated from non-TS/IS women, into some type of “gender variant/3rd gender” box.
This is segregation. This is Illegal in America.
Our doctors and scientists will attest to that.
TS/IS women are not by definition cross dressers, gender deconstructionists or drag queen stage acts
For our Transgender Ward Bosses and Gay Inc to enforce segregation onto unwilling people with a TS/IS condition is dangerous to their medical legitimacy, civil rights and understanding from society
If GQ/CD/TG/DQ/TV/GNC folks want to dismantle the gender binary for themselves, good for them.
But to demand TS/IS Americans sign over their own narrative to some gender theory agenda contract is a crime.
I agree with Martin Luther King, Jr.: Creating segregation onto unwilling participants is immoral, dehumanizing and against everything this great country stands for.
Women are women. Not “3rd/gender, sub-women, its or “tra**ys”
This is a great time in America, as the TS/IS communities are rising up against mis-education, mis-gendering, misinformation and misleading gender theories.
TS/IS Americans are fighting for their legal recognition, medical legitimacy and to be understood by society.
Segregation no more. Social exile no more. PC Bullying no more.
As Audre Lourde said “Your silence will not protect you”.
It’s so inspiring to see all these TS/IS people speaking out against marginalization and censorship.
Authenticity. Happiness. Honesty. Medical rights. Just living our lives. This is our dream.
Have a great Martin Luther King,Jr. Day today!
Right On, Ashley! Thank you for making this easy for everyone to understand.
ReplyDeleteThank you for these words, they really bring the issue to light :)
ReplyDeleteKing would not want our dreams being brushed aside like they are
ReplyDeleteThank you Ashley, for your steadfastness and courage.
ReplyDeleteIt's time this message was shouted out, loud and clear!
"This is a great time in America, as the TS/IS communities are rising up against mis-education, mis-gendering, misinformation and misleading gender theories."
ReplyDeleteIndeed. Some of us have been "rising up" for years and years. It's quite nice to see more and more reaching a limit and finally speaking out.
Carry on, Ashley...well done.
I am at one end of the binary and quite happy about it. I don't want anyone taking that away. Thank you for your continuing fight against those who would drag us backwards.
ReplyDelete@SA=ET (Susan)- your blog "Enough Non-Sense":http://tgnonsense.wordpress.com/ is one of the many publications that has inspired me to be honest and stray away from the PC mumbo jumbo that has TS/IS people chained, THANK YOU for always keeping it real!
ReplyDeleteHi Ashley.
ReplyDeleteVery well said. You have our love and our support. I hope that you can somehow find a way to unite all of our disparate voices in a UNITED CALL FOR INDEPENDENCE.
What you have written is 100% Spot ON.
Like many others, this is an argument I have been engaged with for years.
ReplyDeleteGay, Queer, GLBT, call them what you will - these people have been dedicated to the misgendering and denial of TS folk for years.
Their sole agenda has been to coopt the biological birth conditions and exploit them to obtain extra priviledges for themselves.
To this end they are given oxygen and emotional support from gender theorists and organisations such as WPATH, an organisation that is to ideological transgenderism what the Vatican is to Catholicism!
Good on you Ashley - and good luck
Except you're not complaining about segregation (i.e., separation) from other groups. Instead, you're complaining about being grouped with others that you claim you have nothing in common with. In other words, you're SEEKING segregation, not fighting it as Martin Luther King, Jr. did.
ReplyDelete@ "Anonymous" you falsely charge the transsexual community by propagating:
ReplyDelete"Except you're not complaining about segregation (i.e., separation) from other groups. Instead, you're complaining about being grouped with others that you claim you have nothing in common with. In other words, you're SEEKING segregation"
Perhaps you didn’t read my blog entry. TS/IS women are WOMAN GENDER, not "3rd gender/ gender queer or cross dressers". So by gender queer theory academics and TG militants demanding that the TS/IS community be a part of their "gender variant agenda" box, they are in fact "othering" and mis-gendering them, therefore SEGRREGATING them from non-transsexual woman. Whereas we have a medical condition and birth challenge, all of sudden the newer gender queer movement is trying to speak for us, calling our plight a "gender non-conforming movement".
This is segregation. We dont want to dismantle the gender binary. So I stand by my analogy.
The TS/IS communities acknowledging diversity from the CD/GQ/TG communties is not us “seeking segregation”. We are actually protesting segregation. Affirming diversity and individuality. Not some over generalized cookie cutter model.
I love and support every one. But it doesnt mean we are all the same. Thats the Big Lie
Equal, but different.
If you want to use gender neutral pronouns, knock yourself out.
But TS/IS women are not “gender deconstructionists”, they fall into the gender binary. They are women born different. It’s simple.
We will not let pseudo gender theory tell us to drink at a separate water fountain then non-transsexual women.
That’s misgendering, marginalization and SEGREGATION.
@ Aria Blue- thanks for commenting here, a lot of the points on your blog: http://ariablue.wordpress.com/ hit home to the heart of the matter. Its comforting to know there are so many other people out there with a transsexual and/or intersex birth challenge that do not subscribe to gender queer theory and how the sexologists use us to get pay checks and fame